May, 2019. CPAW co-founder and Headwaters Economics Executive Director, Dr. Ray Rasker shared lessons and strategies from the CPAW program with the House Committee on Natural Resources, National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands Subcommittee at a hearing on Wildfire Resilient Communities, May 9, 2019. Dr. Rasker’s testimony highlighted land use planning tools to reduce wildfire risk and lessons from CPAW communities. Dr. Rasker was joined by Dr. Stephen Quarles, Natural Resources Advisor Emeritus at University of California and Chief Scientist (retired) for the Insurance Institute of Business & Home Safety; Marko Bey, Executive Director of Lomakatsi Restoration Project in Ashland, Oregon; and Patti Hirami, acting deputy chief for State and Private Forestry, US Forest Service. Watch the hearing here.