Routt County, Colorado

Comprised of mountainous forests and sprawling ranchlands in northwestern Colorado, Routt County is motivated to keep an eye on wildfires. The county seat is Steamboat Springs, a popular destination for skiers and outdoor recreationists.

The Routt County Wildfire Mitigation Council was established in 2019 to coordinate fire preparedness and education, and to create resilient, fire-adapted communities. After a year-long process involving many stakeholders and with the council’s leadership, the county adopted a Community Wildfire Protection Plan in 2023.

The following year, a countywide Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Code was adopted. The code is intended for new construction and homes. CPAW was pleased to consult on this effort and provide draft language for the code.


  • 2023 CPAW Community
  • Population: 25,000
  • Growth Rate: 8.8% (2010-2022)
  • Fuel Type:  Timber-understory
