Township of Ocean, New Jersey
Facing threats from sea-level change and hurricanes on its eastern border, the Township of Ocean in Ocean County, New Jersey also faces the threat of wildfire from the pine barrens to the west.
Pinelands National Reserve borders the township and is one of the region’s largest land conservation efforts, but also poses a threat because of fire risk. With ongoing residential development pressure, scattered homes, villages, and campgrounds are frequently at-risk.
In 2018, CPAW worked with the Township of Ocean and its partners to develop land use planning recommendations and wildfire hazard maps for the region. Recommendations included defining the wildland-urban interface (WUI) and consolidating a WUI risk assessment program, applying fire protection standards across the Township based on WUI delineation and hazard classes, amending the Master Plan, and updating the Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
- 2018 CPAW Community
- Population (2015): 8,628
- Growth Rate (2010-2015): 7.1%
- Fuel Type: Pine barrens